The Alphabet of Economic Science

The Alphabet of Economic Science
by Philip H. Wicksteed

It is the object of this volume in the first place to explain the meaning and demonstrate the truth of the proposition, that the value in use and the value in exchange of any commodity are two distinct, but connected, functions of the quantity of the commodity possessed by the persons or the community to whom it is valuable, and in the second place, so to familiarize the reader with some of the methods and results that necessarily flow from that proposition as to make it impossible for him unconsciously to accept arguments and statements which are inconsistent with it.



Essentials of Macroeconomics

In Macroeconomics the object is to study the performance, structure and behavior of a national or regional economy as a whole. The free textbook provides a comprehensive overview of all facets from Macroeconomics.

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This book is written by Peter Jochumzen and made available at free of cost by Book Boon.
